Frequently Asked Questions
- DRL = (daytime running lights)
- RGBW = (multicolor + pure white )
- RGB = ( multicolor )
- FLOW SERIES = (rainbow like sequential flowing effects + static rgb modes)
- Switchback = (white + amber turn signal functionality)
What are DRL Boards?

How do I mount the halo inside of the headlight?
There’s a few ways to go about this:
- Use the 3M adhesive tape found on the backside of your halo ring (available on most kits), be sure to sand the surface you’ll be applying the halos to before doing so.
- You can use your every day 2 part epoxy. simply spread it along the backside of the halo and stick onto it’s desired location.
- Use the wire method, which would require drilling two very small holes on each side of the headlight where the halo will mount. of the halo and tying wires across the halo ring and through the drilled holes. Once the wire is ran through and you feel as if the halo is secure, simply twist lock the open ends together on the backside of the headlight until firm.
How do I open my headlights?
Option 1: Headlights can be baked in the oven at 240 degrees for 12-20 min (allow oven to fully preheat before inserting headlights and put aluminum oil on the oven rack) Once headlight has been fully heated take it out using heat resistant gloves.
-Use a flat head screwdriver to begin prying from one end of the headlight until you have worked around the entire light. the lens from the housing. Be sure to work all the way around the headlight before attempting to pull the lens off.
Option 2: use a cutting, oscillating tool, or ultrasonic cutter to cut the seal where the lens meets the housing. Use nice slow, even cuts and lens will fall right off
Option 3: One word: YOUTUBE ! if you are inexperienced a great option is to simply watch a youtube tutorial on how to open and seal headlights. (There are tons of them, use your best judgement to find a good one )
Option 4: Get a local professional to install (we can held find an installer if needed)
How do I find products for my vehicle?
Step 1. To find compatible products for your vehicle. Simply go to the top of home page and use our “Choose your vehicle” Search Filter. (Note: If no products come up --move to step 2)
Step 2. Use the Magnifying Glass Search Icon found towards the top of every page and search the model of your vehicle (ex. Challenger, Altima, Wrangler) This will do a broad search on the entire website
Step 3. If no products come up under the first two search options this does not mean we don’t have products for your vehicle. It just means we don’t have a vehicle specific halo kit or multicolor daytime running light kit for your vehicle. We do have universal products like exterior/interior accent lighting, wheel rings, underflow, and more that fit all vehicles!
Step 4: We do sell halos by the size available in all styles (rgb, rgbw, flow series)
If you have projector style lights or if the design of your headlights is shaped in such a way that allows a halo to be mounted you may contact us and see what size halo you may need.
(Most basic projector style headlights will use an 80mm halo)
(Halogen style headlight may or may not be suitable for halos depending on design)
Can these products be used without a remote?
Any multicolor, rgb, rgbw, flow series product must be controlled using a corresponding remote
(Ex. Flow series strips will need a flow series Bluetooth or rf handheld remote)
(Rgbw grill lights will need an rgbw Bluetooth remote or rgbw handheld remote)
*Switchback (white/amber) and Single Color Products can be used without a remote*
Remote Options
1.Bluetooth remote (recommended): Allows the user to control the Halo kit/ Led Lights via app on your phone! Our Ultra-responsive app gives you full control over the colors, modes, brightness, speed, and more! Your phone or smart device is the controller!
2.RF Handheld Remote: “Radio Frequency” wireless remote features a quicker, easy to use solution for controlling your lights. Similar to a miniature tv remote. This remote option allows you to change colors, modes, brightness, and speed, at the click of a button.